Play millions of songs
and podcasts, for free.

Why Spotify?

Play your favorites.

Listen to the songs you love, and discover new music and podcasts.

Playlists made easy.

We'll help you make playlists. Or enjoy playlists made by music experts.

Make it yours.

Tell us what you like, and we'll recommend music for you.

Save mobile data.

To use less data when you play music, turn on Data Saver in Settings.

It's free.

No credit card required.

Got questions?

Playlists are a great way to save collections of music, either for your own listening or to share.

To create one:

  1. Tap Your Library.
  2. Tap CREATE.
  3. Give your playlist a name.
  4. Start adding songs (and we'll help you along).

  1. Tap Home.
  2. Tap Settings.
  3. Tap Data Saver.
  4. Switch on Data Saver.

Playlists are a great way to save collections of music, either for your own listening or to share.

To create one:

  1. Tap Your Library.
  2. Tap CREATE.
  3. Give your playlist a name.
  4. Start adding songs (and we'll help you along).

Tap Search. Under Browse All, tap Podcasts.

Ready? Let’s play.